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Sophy-Yah, U.K Based Gospel Singer, Releases “STOP THE HURT”, a Song About Domestic Violence

The new Inspiration track has gained worldwide attention, with some calling it one of the best new tracks from a female artist of 2020 that touches on a very important subject. It has been written and released by The Nigerian born UK based artist.

The Celebrity artist Sophy-Yah who has shared the stage with great gospel musicians like Chevelle Franklin, Nicole C.Mullen and Noel Robinson to name a few, is pleased to announce she has released her new single “Stop the Hurt” which is now available to download. The new single by the UK based artist has quickly gained worldwide attention and generating new fans.

Sophy-Yah, who wrote the new track wanted to let people know it’s not ok to be in an abusive relationship. Domestic Violence is really damaging and no one should have to go through it, Be it a man or a woman, and to bring hope and understanding to people and help millions around the world understand that emotional, physical and psychological abuse is a no no and should not be condoned.

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The song which is a beautiful and emotional song has been described by many as one of the most heart-warming, inspirational, uplifting and healing tracks of recent years. The track is in Support of Women’s Aid, a National Charity in the United Kingdom who works to end Domestic Violence against Women and Children.

The song is not just for a particular race, or set of people, but for everyone as it cuts across all religion, race, tribe and ethnicity. it’s an emotional song with lots of sobriety, it’s a song for everyone who enjoys good music with moving lyrics. In conclusion, her expectation from every member of the public that the song gets to, is that it impacts, she also hopes and trusts that the song will help remedy the ills in the society.’

To download the track and understand why “Stop the Hurt” has gained so much attention around the world, please visit:

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